<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Thursday, April 26, 2012

NEW POST!!! Just wanted to give our Blog buddies the head's-up on how to make posts like the old days :)

FYI: Just learned what was going on with the freakin' suctacular new Blogger layout.

It seems the DEFAULT Blogger setup is "HTML" -- if you look in the upper-left corner of the Post screen you have HTML and "Compose" as options. 

If you select Compose, it has a more normal sized screen, and whatever you type will have normal spacing, too.

Who is designing this new shit, Google? Have they ever USED a blog before?

Anyway, at least we won't have to post giant blocks of text anymore LOL.

-- K

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

P.S. This new blogger layout SUCKS

what's with the no-spacing thing?

We Will Rock You (Not So Much)

The award for best blog post title goes to Rubbertoe, we died laughing when we read it. Tonight's mentors: Queen! You could tell a couple Idols (Jessica, Joshua) had no idea who these old British dudes were. Wow, Ryan looks rough, but he's earning those millions. Jessica: Bohemian Rhapsody. Weak. Rock is definitely not her strong suit. Kiss of Death spot could hurt her, especially since this was bleh. They didn't know what to say. Skyler: this was fantastic! Who knew she could rock out like this? Made Jessica eminently forgettable. Maybe I'm just amazed she can sound slightly different, unlike some other contestants... Joshua: Crazy Little Thing Called Love: I was kind of whatever on this one. He did FAR better than Jessica, but still paled next to Skyler. What was with the praise? This "judging" is all so obviously dictated from above tonight. Elise: I Want It All. definitely in her element. She should do one of these every week. Maybe still 2nd to Sklyer, but very close. Anytime she scales back the overblown runs is aces with me. Phillip: Fat Bottom Girls! He was cracking up at the beginning. Honestly, it was okay, but subconsciously I had already forgotten it when I wrote this up and left him out. I had to go back and type this. That isn't a good sign is it? Hollie: Save Me. (Not the best song to potentially get voted out on).why did she pick this song? It's just so dull compared to the others. She did okay, again, no one was as bad as BB Chez, but she's bringing up the rear. Anybody notice how much the judges are reading from notes this week? It's like you don't even see their eyes for 2/3 of the judging. Nigel must me pulling the puppet strings hard. Personal Choice: Jessica: Dance With My Father Again. We honestly can't say how she did, because Holy Shit, I can't listen to this damn song again on Idol. We fast-forwarded. I'm sure she did fine, it's her wheelhouse. They slathered praise on her. Give it up, fools. Skyler: Tattoo on This Town? Who knows, some unknown Kountry Song. A little TOO twangy for us. She can sing, but this was a little "indulgent" as Simon would say, for me. Not her best. At least Steven called it right. Two hours is just too long, Idol. Don't be so greedy. Joshua: I'm Ready For Love. Wow, a beautiful song. This was one of his best. Standing O was deserved. This is the kind of moment all the others should be striving for. Makes up for his B-level 1st song. Good styling on him, too. Elise: Bold As Love. I LOVE this song from Hendrix. She sang about 1000 too many runs on it, but it was okay. Only Randy (imagine that!) spoke the truth. Side note: sweet that Idol is letting these contestants bring up bandmates. Philip: Some DMB song. Sounded just like it, I guess, but I didn't know it. Sounds like the judges didn't either. Except Randy who throws in the Nigel praise. Ryan's girlfriend wants to jump him, so he's got that in his back pocket. Hollie: singing Miley. Probably a smart move. It's funny to me, so many Idol wannabes want to sing this song, and they're aways better than Miley to me. But the tweentards probably creamed their jeans when she sang it. Loved watching her dance her little jig when she got the standing O. She really did a good job. Jessica could be in trouble. This is getting to the last few, so anybody who didn't make the top two is in trouble. That's anybody but Skyler and maybe Hollie, and Phillip is the last "cute" guy, so… B3: Jessica, Elise, Joshua. Jessica, this could be it.

6 Idols and a little Queen (and we're not talking Ryan)

So we start tonight's show with a medley of Queen Songs. It was awkward especially for Phil. Phillip just cannot sing anything outside his limited genre and this medley really exposed how limited he really is. First up - Jessica - Bohemian Rhapsody. She was good. Vocal was excellent but the performance seemed awkward. For was just aiiiight. I'd give it a 6 Second - Skylar "The Show must go on". I wasn't sure what to think of this performance. I loved parts, but parts seemed forced to me. Could Randy have fallen over himself more praising the performance? His heaping on the praise seemed entirely forced to me. I'd give Skylar a 7. Third - Joshua "Crazy little thing called love". I actually didn't like this performance at all. It was just weird to me. The genre and him did not mesh with me at all. Obviously the judges disagree...I completely did not get this performance. For me it was vocals 2 checks...performance 2 checks...overal 6. Fourth - "I want it all". This is much more her genre. She looks the part. Vocals are great and performance was very appropriate. My only criticism is that I felt it was a little retrained. 8. Fifth - Phillip. For me this was just painfully bad. He seemed to be straining the entire song. For me...this was one of his worst. I would give him a 3. Sixth - Hollie "Save me" - Is Hollie sending a less than subtle message? I thought the vocals were good but the performance was a bit boring. It was ok....not great. 6 Round 1: Elise, Skylar, Jessica, Hollie, Joshua, Phillip Round 2 Jessica - "Dance with my father". More hit and miss for me. Parts were incredible but parts were overly sentimental to me. 8. Skylar - good...this was classic Skylar 9 Joshua- Song seemed very heartfelt but did nothing for me. Another standing O from the Judges. I thought it was good, but not worthy of being called "speechless" by Randy. 7 Elise - I agrred with Randy on this one. Elise completely oversang that song. 6 Phillip - Much much better than the first song. This is phillip in his element 7. Hollie - Good...but plastic. Another Standing O...really? It was ok...but nothing great. 6 Now I'm convinced that the accent is fake. It totally explains why you can't understand her when she talks yet when she sings, she's all of a sudden completely clear..... The Verdict: Jessica (14), Skylar (16), Joshua (13), Elise (14), Phillip (10), Hollie (12) Rubbertoes bottom 3 - Phillip, Joshua and Hollie Americas bottom 3 - Hollie, Joshua and Elise Going Home: Hollie (Should be Phillip).

Queasy Ryan, not Cheesy Ryan?

Just read an interesting story here about how Seacrest was REALLY sick at the taping tonight, and didn't make rehearsal. We haven't seen it yet here on the West Coast, so it remains to be seen if Ryan does the actual show. Maybe he got a good look at the new Kardashian contract, and started puking his guts. -- K

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Yep, Shoulda Held Off On That Save

HA! Bet they didn't see that coming. So, Colton has an "off" night and the Tweetards
throw him to the wolves? Jeez, that is a fickle demographic.
I'm no Colton fan, but when I heard it the first thing I said to Dr. L was,
Idol will be a little more boring next week...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Brilliantly Awkward

First songs: modern soul?

Hollie -- great performance of Adele. KOD spot, so they really want her gone, but to us, once again she sang on the level that they hype Jessica as reaching. This time, they actually praise her -- wonder if this is to thwart the backlash against their slamming of her every other week.

Colton -- weird outfit, cheesy performance, the fact that he had to force the lows so he could reach the highs -- this was pretty boring. He doesn't have 1% the absurd persona and bombastic skills of GaGa. Why does he look like he's wearing a frickin' jester costume every week? He looks like Heat Mizer. Just sing, kid. I think they buried him in 2nd so we'd forget this performance. He's so safe though.

Elise -- Jimmy spoke at length why he thinks Elise is in the B3 every week. I personally think it's the weird, affected jazz-run bullshit she does, because it's her "thang", and America thinks it's off-key singing (because, technically, it is). This was obscured in the Zeppelin song, because she a) didn't do it as much, and b) it was a loud rocker. She should sing Barracuda from Heart or something. This Alicia Keys song was boring already, but it was better than Colton. Wind Machine pimpage.

Side Note: JLo and Randy are constantly looking down all night as they "judge" -- reading from Nigel's notes, much? And JLo's Boob-tacular dress looks kind of slutty sci-fi, like she should be in John Carter from Mars or something.

Phil -- love how his costume shows he doesn't give a rat's ass. Wow! This was great. I don't usually dig his shtick but this all clicked. Standing O from the judges. I could listen to this song again. Randy's "originality" comments are nonsensical. But White Guy With Guitar is probably safe.

Lots of stars in the crowd tonite.

Jessica, she gets the BETTER Alicia Keys song. And, the reminder of the DRAMA from last week. She looks like Oh Mighty Isis in that outfit. What's with the umbrellas -- did they think she was singing Rihanna? She's getting a lot of help from the backup singers, isn't she? Man, Elise would have killed this song. It was okay, but a little scatt-y. The audience is buying the hype, and the judges lay it on thick.

Skyler -- I like how she's amazed when Jimmy has a good suggestion LOL. Hey is that Hot Fiddle Guy -- or a NEW HFG? Skyler shows how to do a GaGa song if you aren't GaGa. This was perfect for her. She could still win this thing! And they do the Idol Winner sparks behind her. I suspect they didn't stand up because it would threaten their pimping of Bebe Chez. But this was the best of the night so far.

Joshua does Fantasia. This should be his week -- I don't know if he has the mental firepower to step it up a notch, though. He's got good pipes but he's even more one-note than Phil in some ways. Dr. L said he looks out-of-it. This was not his best by any means.

Second songs: Old soul?

Hollie -- she's so cute! And how sweet to get the shout-out from the Brits? Too bad soccer doesn't mean shit to Americans. Maybe this means she'll have a career in the UK? Wow, Don Cornelius and SOUL TRAIN! I used to watch this as a kid, even more than American Bandstand. Son of a Preacher Man -- a good idea, maybe not as good as her 1st. I feel like the arrangement was ironically a little soul-less, and it didn't help her sell the song. They are praising her again -- this is definitely Simon Cowell 101 -- an attempt at a psych-out.

Colton -- Earth Wind & Fire? I love this song , but Colton's Coldplay-ish version is pitchy as shit. Wow, I don't like this at all. Deandre would have torn the roof off with this! They're giving him the tough love. Note to Idols -- please put another color streak in you hair besides magenta. ANY color. Thanks.

Elise -- Let's Get It On! Working the boobs -- too bad straight men don't vote. This is actually a great song for her voice. I don't know if she's just dripping with sex like you have to for this to work, but it was okay. Another gutted arrangement. When JLo starts with "Okay baby" then it isn't going to be high praise. This season the mantra seems to be about "personality". Randy is right on with the over-singing though. B3 again for sure.

Phil -- Midnight Hour. This seemed like it went on for 20, 30 minutes. Why pick a song like this that doesn't go anywhere? Aw, who cares, everybody seems to love PP. I would probably enjoy him after 4-5 beers at a bar on Bourbon Street.

Hey, Kris Allen! Generic McCardboard is still alive.

Jessica -- Try a Little Tenderness. Wow, for the most part the 2nd half has been a Bag of Fail. She's screechy and pitchy. WAY oversung. Even the audience shows tepid love. Jesus the judges are reading the notes! Nothing you can SAY can help her, fools.

Skylar -- The California Raisin Song! Fiddle Guy sighting. This is a little busy, but she has the best stage presence of any of them. Is it me or do these arrangements blow tonight?

Joshua -- A Change Gon' Come. The absolute perfect song for his voice. He did a good job, but there was still a disconnect. He's only putting in 70% or so. They're praising it like it's actually Sam Cooke up there.

Best of the night, Hollie and PP's first songs, and maybe Skylar's. Worst, Colton in both songs, but he has a voting block. Jessica was pretty bad too.

B3 -- Elise, Joshua, Jessica

Who goes home? Jessica, "psych"!

The top 7 redux I have to begin this week with a caveat....I feel asleep in the second half and don't think I'll have time to catch up before the results show, so this is based only on the first performance and my overall season projections.

Hollie - I was a little afriad of her doing Adele...but Hollie actually pulled it off. She, for the first time, actually showed some personality

Colton - Bad Romance, Lady Gaga....was a bad choice. I thought it was horrendous. It lacked the vibe that Gaga brings to it. Wow...the judges are being way too nnice to him here.

Elise - With the dress and the reminds me of the Stevie Nicks videos from the 80's. Jimmy states that she doesn't have the week to week fan base...and he's absolutely right. Elise probably has one of the weakest fan bases. She can't afford any slip ups and even without a major slip she's very likely out this week. This performance I thought was good. She look beautiful and she seemed to be having a lot of fun with the song. Great Smile. Did they REALLY just pimp her dying dog? Seriously? Well...that's gotta be worth a few votes.

Phil - Doing Usher? This is a more polished and refined Phil. I liked it because it wasn't just Phil's one version of a song. He showed a little more a little more diversity here. I still would never buy an album of him...but it was pretty good.
Did Randy actually praise his "Originality"? I'm sorry, but if there is something that Phil is not week to week is original.

Jessica - I didn't like the song choice here. I think this is the genre of music that got her into trouble the last week. Again, she sang it beautiful just like last week, but the result may be the same.

Skylar - Born this way. First question (Where is hot fiddle guy?) The new guy was ok, but not as hot...HFG was on earlier this year, but he's been gone for a while. Awesome version of the song here. Skylar had the energy and personality that really made this song.

Joshua - Might be a big mistake trying Fantasia's signature song....and it was. His version didn't even come close to Fantasia and exposed him as someone who is not worthy of being in the finale. The judges give him a standing O? I'm shocked.

Round 1 (Worst to Best)


Round #1 goes to Skylar with Phil a close second.

Rubbertoes Bottom 3: Colton, Joshua and Elise

America's Bottom 3: Joshua, Elise and Hollie.

Going home (If only 1) : Elise

If two: Elise and Hollie

Interesting Analysis About BB Chez' Future On Idol

Article here from TVOverMind -- they make the case that Jessica will hit the bricks Thursday, like America wanted last week.
If I recall, however, Casey The Growler was bestowed The Save last year, which ultimately led to a booted Pia two weeks later, right? We'll see how it shakes out this time.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wha -- ?

Did we just get bamboozled? That "shocker save" for B.B. Chez looked like the biggest con job Idol has ever pulled.
Randy pretty much admitted it when he implored that America "vote for the best".
Call me crazy, but there are six other contestants who have just as much a shot of winning, if this
thing is fair. He can't tell us who we think is "best" -- we'll vote for the Taylor Hicks all we want LOL!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Randy the Fish Singer Slayer

Songs of the Last Two Years: I'm afraid this is going to be Songs I've Never Heard Of, because I don't listen to a lot of the crap on terrestrial radio. On satellite I get to live in the past, when music was awesome :)

Guest Mentor: Akon: A guy I know mostly for singing "woo-hoo" in back of Gwen Stefani -- and apparently Idol does, too.

Skylar: Southern Idols always have a cousin with some sports bar, don't they? She's singing a Pickler song, and it really is a great performance. Kiss of Death spot, but she's probably fine. She's going to be a big star, it's so clear, Idol or not.

my hometown of Murfeesboro! They didn't show enough of it for me to recognize it, which was saying a lot, because it ain't that big. Doing an unknown song. The kid really can sing, and this performance was much better than the past couple weeks. Not all "wow" but had that bridge.

Duet: Elise and PP, they are so cute. Dr. L said they should only sing duets, LOL, because then she can stand them.

Jessica: I missed much of hometown as I was typing this, but it was some San Diego pimping. She definitely is working the Pinoy vote. Her song: I thought it was a too-busy arrangement, and she was trying the vocal gymnastic BS that often derails Idols. Did she almost bust her ass on the piano? They obviously love her, and I decoded their comments to mean they thought she was better than tonight. She'll probably skate by on past triumphs, but 3rd best of the night so far for me.

Joshua: he's 20? Seems older. Cute shout-out from Fantasia!!! Wow, 3 of the last 4 Idols were from the South, LOL. Nice, a catchy tune. I like it. (Wait, does he have a go-go dancer? Wild!) Dr. L said he sure picked a good song. I liked it a lot better than the over-wrought ballads. The band could have dropped back some though. Probably won't go home -- judging by the crowd.

Oh Randy, your new catch-phrase sucks. Dick-head Ryan pisses off Skylar by hinting at S/C romance again. She seems like a GCB if you know what I mean, and his hair probably freaks her out.

Duet: Sklyar and Colton. We heard this song live when it was new, last year. Colton's no Jason Aldean and Skylar's definitely no Kelly Clarkson. My God, Randy actually keeps it real! It was not great.

Hollie: from Texas but sounds like Eliza Doolittle. This is probably costing her. Pink's Perfect. We thought she did a beautiful job! WTF?!!! the "you look beautiful" comment? Holy crap. They are throwing her under the bus big time. The only thing I can think is that she is competition for TCO, whoever it is. I truly don't know how they can read this script with a straight face.

PP: ANNDD -- another Southern Boy. Love the Sanford & Son theme. Jimmy and Akon take him to school. Maroon Five. I like this song -- he's not doing his DMB thing as much. Hmmm -- a little more bus-throwing? Looks like Idol is gunning for a Skylar/Colton or maybe a Jessica/Colton finale? We haven't seen Elise so maybe SHE'S the one they're pimping. She is in the pimp spot…

Trio: Josh & Hollie are so cute. This is not good -- the three sound like shit together. Hollie, Josh not bad on solos. Jessica not so much. Was she in the wrong key for most of the song? Josh was definitely the standout.

Elise: Awww -- what a sweet shout-out from Jason Seigel. Seems cool. She's from Charleston? Saw another Idol dive bar watch party. I am glad that Jimmy told her not to wing it as much. Hmmm...This was pretty good, but I wasn't jumping up and down. I cracked up at her new move, I call it the "card-catalog", like she's reaching out and plucking them LOL. Usually she just does the Poopy Dance and the "orchestra conductor" with her hand. WOWWW -- they are pimping the PHUQUE out of her! I guess they know how to market her, Dr. L said. Not that I don't like her, but it's kind of shameless how they manipulate things. Her overworked "jazz" thing gets old.

SO -- is another guy going out? probably not. Since Idol "judging" has so much sway, I'll say Hollie is doomed.

Dr. L & K bottom 3: Jessica, Phillip, Elise.

America's bottom 3: Hollie, Phillip, Johua

-- Dr. L & K

The Hens deliver the goods? For me tonight it was the Roosters.

First up - Skylar. Did her Grandpaw REALLY have to say that they were going to go kill that big deer? Just sayin. Skylar was right on. Perfect song choice for her. I liked the class country flair that she brought to the song. As Steven said....the crows crow but the hens deliver the goods.....Skylar delivered tonight.

Second up - Colton. I sense no love lost between Colton and Phillip based on his reaction of being compared to him. Coltons practice session sounds horrible...and again...I can't stand the faces that he pulls when he sings. The actual performance starts out really strong though. His falsetto is really really weak though. I liked his version of the song though. The string section accompainment was great. Aside from the falsetto...I thought this was one of Colton's best performances.

Duos again - Elise/Phillip - this dues is painfully bad. Sounds extremely amateurish. This one is worse than a high school talent show. Even the way it was filmed came off looking like a bad telethon number.

Third up - Jessica. She sang it great, but I really did not like the song. Its not my choice of genre and therefore this week did nothing for me. Randy was correct...she did an amazing "Fish slaying" job...just not my cup of tea.

Fourth - Joshua. Its nice seeing a different side of Joshua. He looks very comfortably on the stage. I loved the go go silouhettes....or however you spell it. This is the first week that Joshua didn't over sing the song. Joshua showed that he is very versatile with this song.

Wow...did could the lack of chemistry between he and his preacher father be anymore obvious? They brought his father up...the father looked completely like he didn't want to be there...and Joshua looked embarassed to have his dad up there....weird.

Duet #2 - Colton and Skylar - Once again Colton is out of his element. Skylar is right in hers.

Fifth - Hollie. Jimmy is right....she needs to turn the gas up. She needs to have the believablity factor that he is missing. This week.....still lacking. She's got a good voice...but she's missing a big piece of the complete package.

Sixth - Phillip. Wants to do a little something different this week...really Phillip....the man who pretty much does the same song week after week. I liked the female saxophonist! Phillip comes across as a cute nice guy...and for once he actually doesn't look like he is in pain when he is performing..he looks like he is having fun. This was probably his best performance for me, but still not enough to keep him out of the bottom 3 for me.

Duet #3 - actually a trio...Jessica, Joshua dn Hollie. Another weak group number. Joshua stood out over the other two here. Arrangement was just weird.

7th - Elise. Wanted to sing and play drums...seriously....have these people not watched previous seasons. Only one person pulled that off. Elise would have been a disaster. At the piano works. The outfit is bad....she's no Gaga..and the outfit doesn't work. The performance was better than last week...didn't seem as forced. Not up to the level of two weeks ago though.

Tonight from Best to Worst:


Rubbertoe's Bottom 3: Phillip, Hollie and Elise

I think America is really going to get it wrong this week. All of the performances were pretty much equally as good as each other this week...all in all good. So America's bottom 3 is not going to be the worst 3, but those with the weakest voting blocks.
I suspect that Colton, Jessica and Phillip have the strongest voting blocks. Skylar probably has a strong block in the country vote..but is likely to be hurt ultimately by the country duo finally from last year. So we get to the 3 weakest voting blocks and hence...America's bottom 3.

Joshua...who for me was the best of the night will be in the bottom 3 as a result.
Hollie....who deserved to be in the bottom 3
and Elise
Joshua will take the place of Phillip who SHOULD be in the bottom 3.

Going home: Hollie

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Totally tubular! 80s night on Idol!

Yay - we were in highschool in the 80s too!! There was a LOT of great music in the 80s…not that you will ever hear any of it on Idol.

We have to agree with RT re: Ryan. K's theory is that because of Ryan's schedule, every season for about the past 3-4 years - there are days that Ryan seems drugged. He makes inappropriate comments or weird facial gestures, in general just seems out of it. Might not be amphetamines, maybe coffee or Redbull - but it is something!

Deandre - good job with Debarge, but not as great as last week. Any week with less falsetto is a plus. Loved hearing his natural voice. Too bad he's in the kiss-of-death spot, because he was far from the worst tonight -but it could hurt him.

Elise - did everything wrong that she didn't do last week - by adding so much melisma to this Foreigner song. DrL says she should have sung 'Betty Davis Eyes' or another Kim Carnes tune. All the weird runs in the song, and that prom dress might cost her.

First duet: Colton/Skylar - we actually thought it looked painful for Colton to be up there. Notice how he was supposed to be singing to her, but took every opportunity to sing to the camera or anywhere else. DrL hates this tune, so it was hard for her to be objective! Worst duet of the night?

Phillip - Weird rendition, DMB version of the Phil Collins song. He gets so contorted - and every song has some pent up anger in it. No wonder he is having some gut problems.

Note to self - why does Idol like so many country singers? Is there an angle here?

Second duet - enjoyed it! Too bad Holly couldn't have sung this way on her own song. Deandre did great and seems like a good-natured guy.

Joshua - Totally agree with RT that Fine Young Cannibals would have been great!! This was a better Joshua than we have seen in recent weeks. The problem was that he wrecked the song at the end by over singing it. The judges were going crazy for it - but to me it sounds more crazy train!

Jessica - or BB Chez? Whitney song - good performance, okay song - but sounded like better than average karaoke to K. She always looks cute and stylish - not DrL's favorite song of hers.

Third duet - Philip & Elise with Tom Petty song. K's vote for best duet of the night - loved it! Good match of their voices. Boy - Phil sure does need his guitar on stage, he looked like he was trying to contort himself into a ball on stage.

Hollie - she did seem to be conscious of having to do more - and she wanted to have more fun. We thought it was actually pretty good - not as bad as the judges stated. Suspect that this might be some bus-throwing by them, as she is clearly not someone they want to win this competition.

Duet 4 - Jessica & Joshua - call us crazy, but we weren't falling over in amazement about this performance like everyone else seemed to be. It was just what-ev from our POV.

Colton - Totally agree on the Howard Jones suggestion - we have thought that from the beginning! You are right on with the suggestions tonight RT! It was interesting in parts - but the repetitive parts of the tune made it kind of boring. K is a little weirded out by the Christian-rock/faux enthusiasm that he seems to throw into every performance.

Skylar - best choice of the two songs she selected, but it was funny how she still couldn't hold back from trying to jump up and down at the end of the song! This was not the 'moment' we were promised. DrL thought the first part of the song was great - the more controlled singing, less twang. Side note: wasn't it funny earlier how adamant she was that she is NOT Colton's girlfriend?!


DrL/K Bottom Three: Elise, Hollie, Phillip

America's Bottom Three: Elise, Deandre, Hollie
Deandre goes home

That 80's Show

Idol taking us back to our high school least MY high school days......

First off....what is up with Ryan tonight? He looks a little is off a little, his mouth seems super enormous tonight and his lips extra red.....and then he seems overly peppy....

80's night and what the idols miss from home

First up...Deandre. His misses his car. I can relate. It would suck just getting your license and then not being able to drive....but get over're on IDOL! He does a GREAT job with Debarge. I liked this performance a million times better than last week. I enjoyed the use of his natural voice with just a little bit of the falsetto. I only would have suggested a little bit less of the falsetto. I think he overplays it.

Elise - misses her band...they used to ROCK OUT. Foreigner. Good Smart song choice by her, although I liked her version of Hallelujia. Although...I'm not loving this performance. It sounds a little flat and it lacks the energy that should be there.
It should have been much better than it was. I'm actually surprized that the judges got this one right. I expected them to fall all over praising her. Right on judges.

Duet #1 Colton/Skylar - I liked it pretty good...but I'm really starting to get a little bothered by watching Colton. He just comes across a little freaky and the faces he pulls are just weird. The song was much more in Skylar's domain...but Colton did pretty good with it.

Phillip - misses his brother guitarist....wishes that he could perform up on stage with him. Hmmmmm...this seems a little too staged Idol....if he's there......Of course he predictable and dull contrived.
Horrible in the beginning. He kicked into it half way through though. He seems to be having a fun time with it. I didn't like it the same as last week....

GREAT NIKE AD....That was incredible....LOVED IT!!!!!!

Duet #2 - Hollie and Deandre- Pointer Sisters. I'm so excited. I LOVED this song in the 80's....specifically 1985. The song was kind of a weird fit for Hollie...but perfect for Deandre. Strange pairing here.

Joshua - Misses his family. If you don't know me by now - simply red. Mentors tell him to be more simply....good advice. Joshuas problem is that he oversings everything. I'm also not loving all his sports jackets..he comes across as a past generation Vegas singer. He SHOULD have done fine young cannibals...suspicious minds or Johnny....this was just another of the same performane that we've seen from him several times before. It was good, but it didn't show us anything new.

Jessica - Misses...boys and nails and shopping. How will I Know - Whitney. For me...this wasn't her best performance ever. Maybe she's set the bar too high and we are judging her against herself...good...but not Great.

Duet #3 - Phillip and Elise - Stop dragging my heart around. This pairing makes sense. A better choice would have been "Love lift us up"....Phillip totally reminds me of Joe Crocker that way he pulls faces when he sings. But this was actually pretty good.

Hollie -, friends and her dog. What a feeling - Flashdance. Jimmy is right...she needs to bring "feeling" and "personality" which are the two biggest things that Hollie lacks. She seems to be rushing it....the timing seems way off at the beginning. She showed more personality than normal here, but still it doesn't feel natural. was a solid performance...I'm not jumping out of my seat but I enjoyed it.

Duet #4 - Jessica and Joshua- Knew you were waiting. This one was worth the wait...I thought it was definitely the best duet of the night.

Colton - misses face painting. Time after Time. Missed opportunity again here....Howard Jones...Colton....Howard Jones. I liked the fact that he did a modern update to the song and make it different. I thought it worked.

Skylar - I wasn't paying attention, did she say she misses her guns? Wind beneath my wings - Bette Midler. I LOVED this. I Loved how she took it and gave it a country twist in much the same way Whitney took a Country song in "always love you" and made it pop. Skylar carried this one well.


Tonight...we are going to find out how strong Phillip's voting base is, because he should definitely be in the bottom 3. If he isn't, THAT will be a good indication that he's getting some strong votes and we could be getting the next Lee Dawyze/Taylor Hicks idol that goes no where. My bet is that Phillip isn't in the bottom 3.

Rubbertoe's Bottom 3: Elise, Phillip and Hollie

America's Bottom 3: Elise, Hollie and Deandre (Only because I can't think of a third person).

Going Home: Hollie. She just doesn't have the personality to connect with the audience and this week it will do her in. But I half-way expect the judges to save her.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I Can't Be The Only One Thinking It

-- K

Better Late than Never: Top Nine Review

Sorry for the late review - we are back in SoCal and just turned on the DVR. Here is DrL & K's recap of the Top Nine.

Shots of the crowd, Jordan 'fail' Sparks & Marlee Matlin - who will no doubt enjoy many of these contestants more than we will! Ryan's poof is in full effect this week!

Style time with Tommy H - 'create your own style' Gives them style advice when he is rocking Shawn Cassidy's hair-do from 1976!

Ooohhh, Jimmy Iovine & Stevie Nicks - Jimmy looks so cute!

Colton's dead beaver is looking worse than ever, but Stevie loves it….okay, so rocking a church tune - he knows his base. Not my cup of tea - but seemed to be heartfelt, if kind of schmaltzy. The judges seem like they've gotta throw softballs since this was about Jesus & worship. We didn't know this tune but seems like he did well.

Skylar - doing Miranda Lambert. And now we're headed straight for hello… quote Miranda! Catchy tune -but Skylar is getting too twangy & over-singing. This southern gal can't understand her…hmmmm. She's too excited about the performance & has lost the song. K says he absolutely hated the performance. I thought she looked good - K completely disagrees - says she is wearing Dil's jacket from 'The Crying Game'.

Trio interlude with Colton, Elise & Phillip - giving them some practice for the Idol tour.

Heejun - One of the most absolutely beautiful Leon Russell songs….Heejun did it justice. K says every one of the judges made such a point of reminding everyone they corrected him - the song got lost in the comments.

Hollie - Jesus take the wheel - heartfelt performance, sung beautifully - but some of her operatic pronunciation of a few of the words made it a little stiff. Not really a country kind of girl. K says he can't believe Randy & Steven praised Skylar - and are throwing a monkey wrench in Hollie's comments. He thinks that '19' management would not know how to market Hollie - so they don't want her to go too far.

Deandre - speaking of marketing - I think they could market him for the R&B market. Wow - he got the personal style message! Clearly compared to the Billy Joel week is much more comfortable & he wants to do this. DrL: loved it - I listen to a lot of R&B -and would totally add him into my daily mix of artists.

Jessica - Beyonce tune - Great! becoming a Jessica fan. She has really great control with her voice, nice interpretation of the song. Her maturity is incredible. Interesting point that Randy makes that she is a great singer -and not just comparing her to the Idol group - present or past.

Trio - interlude with Joshua, Deandre & Heejun - good selection of MJ tunes!

Phillip - Johnny Lang tune. (love the banter between Jimmy & Stevie). Wow…what a compliment for Philip about Fleetwood Mac. This song is perfectly suited to him and doesn't let him run off the tracks with it. Great choice! K says he always gives 150%!

Joshua - Harry Nilsson tune - Can't Live without You. K says - wow the stagehands are working their asses off tonight - all the props! DrL says - I can live without that jacket. Nothing really compares to Miss Kelly's version of this song…..Joshua is trying, but is trying to overcome the guts needed for the song with vocal gymnastics and it's not working. Not worthy of a standing ovation. He connected with audience much better on the MJ tunes in the group number.

Trio - Hollie, Skylar & Jessica - weakest of the trio performances. Poor Skylar - what a horrible outfit. Boring. The look on Jennifer's face says it all.

Elise - Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love. Jimmy & Stevie loved it. They finally got Elise's look right - she looks great tonight. That was worth a standing o! Must have sounded fantastic in studio. K says she should do more rock. Love the matching pants with Steven :) Great choice to end the show.

K says looking back - Colton is like a piece of dry white toast. Deandre was just fantastic - totally in his wheelhouse. Jessica's arrangement was fantastic. Philip needs a blues-rock band - sounded the least like DMB.

I know we are late - but if we had to pick a bottom three:
Heejun, Joshua & Skylar. We would have picked Heejun - even though we liked the song, just because without the humor - what would his voting base be? The rest are clearly singing to certain groups.

Fun week to watch!