<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I wanna Rock and Roll All night! (and party every day)

Duets? Wh-wh-wh-what?

Allison and Adam look really great!

Adam - "Whole lotta love" - Perfect song choice for Adam. Allowed him to show off his high register. I had a WHOLE lotta love for this performance.

Allison - Why didn't they give her this makeover earlier? I didn't love the first part of the song. But during the chorus she brought it on. Its hard to do Janice Joplin justice. I was thinking exactly what Kara said... "Piece of my heart" would have been a better choice for her.

Kris/Danny Duet: Renegade. Early harmony was great. But when it got to the rock part it was weak for both...moreso for Kris. Danny showed some signs of strong vocals but also showed some weaknesses. I give Kris props for TRYING to add some stage presence. However, he didn't pull it off.

Kris - "Come together" Good job...for once, I saw some actually stage presence from him. Not the vest vocal of all but as an overall package, this was Kris at his best.
The only judge who agreed with me was Randy...hmmmm.

Danny - "Dream on". Oh....I'm afraid of this one. I can already hear the Gokey screech coming up. Horrible song choice. Wow....this was horrendous. I know this wasn't Danny's genre but this one was rough.

Allison/Adam Duet - "Slowride" - This duet was exactly opposite of the first. On the individual parts they were both great, but the actually duet part was not that good.
I agree with Simon...Adam may have pulled through

Do you get the feeling they are pushing an Adam/Allison finale?

Rubbertoes ranking tonight:

1. Adam (Once again my a mile)
2. Allison (pulled up from #3 based on her performance on the duet)
3. Kris (Danny was better on the Duet but Kris was waaaaay better on the solo)
4. Danny ( the mighty fell. Last Week he was my #1...this week, all the way to the bottom).

Who should go home? If you base it on tonight, Danny. If you base it on the competition overall, Kris.

America's Rankings

1. Danny
2. Adam
3 Allison
4. Kris

I predict like Jason Castro who left #4 last year, our low-key guitar playing pretty boy will go home in the same slot.



lovejovi said...

They all SUCKED!! Listen to the REAL VERSIONS on my facebook :)

Rubbertoe said...

I listened to the "real" versions on facebook...and if I'm being really honest, I prefer Adam's version to the original. The rest, I would agree...the originals are better.

Good to see you leaving a post here though!