<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Friday, February 26, 2016

Double Eliminations?

Say it isn't true! Last night on the Fox11 news they said "In just five weeks a new American idol will be named". I also heard them say something about double eliminations last night on the show. Are they really giving us an abbreviated version for the final year? Its bad enough that its the top 10 instead of 12...but to give us only 5 weeks....that would really really suck.

1 comment:

DrL/K said...

Hey RT!

We have tickets for the show on 10th and the 17th, so if you want to go we can do it then for sure! I have 4 tickets for both days. I'll email you directly to see if you are available, and we can get in touch then. I'm excited to see some of these guys live :)

-- K