<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

David Cook is my lover . . . :)

David Cook will bring up the rear . . .ahem, I mean close out the show. He had quite a large skull as a child . . . may explain his current hairstyle choice.

I swear the Cooks are cheestastic this evening. Let's see if David Cook can pull off "Billie Jean" like KLC did Lee Greenwood. Ok, he's doing an emo-induced version. He is re-working this in such a wonderfully cool way. Wow! I don't know what else to say . . . wow.

Randy thought it was a got joint! Paula can't sit down . . . for reasons we won't mention on a family friendly blog . . . Simon, thought it could have gone either way . . . He nailed it. Absolutely fantastic.

I don't know what else to say here. Just abso-smurfly-brilliant. He is oh so talented. And, he kind of lost the smugness :)


A recap to follow.

1 comment:

DrL/K said...

Right there with ya J! Did anyone else perform tonight? ;)