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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Predictions for the Top 11

Ms. Allison has requested predictions for this evening. My first problem with the request is that last week I noticed how very few titles of Beatles songs that I actually knew. I clearly recognized all of the songs once they got going, but from the titles, I only new a few. So, prediction number 1: I will recognize very few titles of songs this evening :) . . . yes folks, I'm here all week . . . Alright, so, I won't predict actual song choices, but I will say that I think we will see Lil David recover his frontrunner status. I think he will smartly pick a ballad and place himself on a stool . . . possibly with a guitar . . . or at the piano . . . and belt out a sweet lil ditty. I'm also going to go out on a limb and say that I'm expecting a good night for Kristy Lee Cook . . . she's kind of turning into a Haley from last season, and she stuck around for quite a bit longer than expected. My early worry goes towards Syesha and Ramiele . . . I thought there performances were SO lackluster in week 1. That's all for now . . . I'm curious to see what L&K think, and of course, Ms. Allison.


DrL/K said...

Do you think Kristy will get it right this week? I hope so - for her sake and ours! LOL ...surely she won't do a country version of anything - and that would be a winner in my book. I have no idea what will happen in terms of Ramiele...she really needs to bring it though - like a fun and uptempo choice.

arosebyanyothernamettown said...

ramieles choice was up tempo not sure she brought it id put her in my bottom 3