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Monday, March 31, 2008

Paula's Picks for the Top 4

So, here is another little article I found. On Dolly Eve, TV Guide is reporting a story about Paula Abdul. Paula was on a morning show today where she gave her predictions for the top 4. I think her picks are very interesting . . . definitely, all are a possibility . . . but, I think 2 are almost assured. What do y'all think? Happy Idol Eve!

1 comment:

Rubbertoe said...

I think those are pretty safe bets....I will be shocked it its not Little David, Rocker David and Michael Johns in the top 4....I think they will be the top 3.
Carly could be #4.....but it could be Brooke.
I'll be really shocked if it doesn't end up a Battle of the Davids in the finale.