<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Monday, June 30, 2008

I Want Gabe Garcia Around Next Week!

Gabe Garcia is the next to avoid elimination. Gabe hangs out with his family and then gets to the business of singin some country . . . sort of . . . Gabe tells Jewel that he wants to sing a Bon Jovi song, "Wanted Dead or Alive". I'm not totally stunned by this song choice. I can so totally see how this song could be countrified.

Wow. after an off week last week, Gabe has come back. He sounded great. . . I'm so pleased with his performance. He sounded country . . . he was on pitch and the tone was great. Great, great job.

John, Jewel, and Jeff think that he was quite good, and that he had recovered from last week. They believe he is the best male singer in the competition and could go very far.

Next up . . . The Bottom 2

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