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Monday, June 30, 2008

Pimping Out Sailor Tommy

Tommy Stanley is next on the list of safe folks. Sailor Tommy makes it through despite forgetting that he was in a country competition last week – He’s gonna sing “Tiny Dancer” . . . I’m a little worried.

Ok y’all, his pitch is all over the place, but his tone is very nice. I don’t love his choice of song here, but I think he had a better night that it might have seemed on first glance. First of all, he didn't sing Tiny Dancer, and I don't really know what it was that he did sing. Second, although his pitch is all over the place, he has this really lovely, rich tone to his voice. For the first time, I believe that he might actually get it.

John Rich – Thinks he is in the wrong place.
Jeff – Has had his doubts this entire time, but saw something tonight that he really liked. Thinks that Tommy needs to keep going . . .
Jewel – Is pulling for him . . . thinks he looked uncomfortable wants him to get back to the free spirit .

Sailor Tommy's buddies from the USS Kittyhawk have shown up to support their friend. I love that his buddies showed up . . . I love that he served our country . . . BUT, I think this could present an unfair advantage which may cause someone to get voted off who doesn't deserve it. .

It's only my opinion.

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