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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Shaun Mayer is N'Sync

Shaun Mayer – “Bye, Bye, Bye” – Another ballsy choice by Ms. Mayer. I have not loved her in the first two performances, but I have been impressed with her ability to think outside the box. I’m very interested to see how she countrifies this song. . . really, JT has quite a little twang to his voice at times, so maybe it will flow well. Alright, ok. . . I was actually kind of feeling that one. First, the beginning was GENIOUS . . . I loved how she slowed it down and made the beginning an actual opening that was distinguishable from the rest of the song. The remaining two thirds were quite nicely sung. I could have done without the dancers, but overall an impressive transformation of a major pop hit.

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