<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Idols and the Beatles

First up - Kree. Little help from my friends. She has a much better contemporary look. And I like the contemporary take that she took on this standard Beatles tune. She definitely has the power and the pipes, but she's lacking in charisma and stage presence. Good performance though Burnell - Let it be....but Burnell doesn't know the song? Seriously? I LOVE his voice and I LOVE the fact that he is too cute for words....and I think he did good tonight despite looking a little nervous and uncomfortable. Amber - She's leaving home..... flawless vocal, but kind of a boring song. I'm not familiar with this song, but I really feel that the song did her a dis-service, despite the fact that she did an incredible job with it. I think she could be in trouble as a result. Lazaro - ooooo....this is bad. I like Lazaro, but at this point he is in over his head. People are going to vote for him because they like him and love his back story, but ultimately it IS about singing (well it wasn't for Taylor maybe I'm wrong). I thought that performance was absolutely horrendous. Wow...he is really struggling with this competition and he looks like he is crumbling. Nikki is right. Something is going on with him, he's cracking under pressure...but his vulnerability is going to keep him in for sure. Candice - Come Together - I thought the song was good to show off her stage presence, but I don't think it was great to showcase he voice...but we all know that she can sing, so she should be safe and the song DID show that she has more stage presence and charisma than at least two of the other front runners. Paul - All the lonely people. Paul seems to be getting better and better. I thought this was one of his better performances. He was subtle when he needed to be and powerful when he needed to be. Nikki called him safe and predictable. Wow...the judges really threw him under the bus tonight. Angela - yesterday- The makeover they have done on her is fantastic. She looks like a young Kelly Clarkson. AI trying to subtley or not so subtlely send a message? Devin - He went to military school? Hmmmm...I cannot see him in military school...Don't ask/Don't tell I guess. The long and winding road. He has probably the best male voice in the competition. Technically a perfect performance. Stage presence however brings him down...he comes across a little boring. Janelle - I Will. She sounds a bit like a young Dolly Parton. This song made me wish that I could her Dolly do this song. Janelle played to he element and I think she did a great job with it. Rankings: Kree Burnell Candice Devin Janelle Angela Paul Amber Lazaro Tonight there was one singer that CLEARLY was not as good as the others, however Lazaro will NOT be going home. Rubbertoe's bottom 3: Paul, Amber and Lazaro. America's bottom 3 will be very different. America is going to put Paul, Devin and Burnell. Possibly Amber. Going home: Definitely Paul.


DrL/K said...

Wow! If you cross your two predictions, you actually got all three B3 right! You definitely have this season dialed in so far.

Rubbertoe said...

I wasn't surprised to see Amber in the bottom 3. She's one of my favorites but she was sooooo boring last night.