<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Re-ranking the top 10 guys lets just start with who definitely is not going to make the cut and waste our time any longer: Charlie Askew Nick Boddington Paul Jolley And we can say that there are a couple who are absolutely going to go through: Lazaro - not because he has a great voice, but because he has a great story and look...its going to be a girls year, the producers have already stacked it that why not keep Lazaro around because America loves his story and he won't win anyway. He is going to get the votes to keep him on. Deven Velez - Probably the best male voice in the competition. I can't imagine others getting through and him going home at this point Burnell Taylor - Good Voice and AI loves him. Major pimpage from day 1. This equates to votes at this stage On the Cusp: Curtis Finch - Good Voice, but wrong competition for him. This isn't Gospel Idol. He's good at what he does, but limited in what he can do. Limited voting bloc will probably doom him, but bible belt voters might keep him around. Cortez Shaw - May stick around on looks. He is going to get votes for that and it will probably keep him in. Probably out: Vincent Powell - For some reason the judges love him. I don't get it. I don't think he is that great and I don't think voters will either. Elijah Liu - I just don't think anything stands out about him. Top 5 guys: Lazaro Deven Burnell Cortz Curtis

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