<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Boo on Boo Finale!

Well, y'all, we have arrived at another American Idol finale! A Boo on Boo Idol fight is looming on the horizon. The finale will feature one performance from their Idol experience, one performance of their own choosing, and the schmaltzy Idol song.

I would like for all of us at A Little Taste of Idol to predict what we think/wish Lil Boo and Rocker Boo will sing for the upcoming extravaganza. I will begin the process.

Round 1 - Past Performance

1 Rocker Boo - "Hello" from the Top 24 rounds - To me, this performance was his breakout moment. In addition, I think it has been long enough that the performance is not fresh in the audience's mind.

2. Lil Boo - "Imagine" from the Top 24 rounds - Ditto the above reasoning.

Round 2 - Contestant's Choice - I am going to predict based on them choosing a new song. Please, please, boos, please choose a new song!

1. Rocker David - "I'm Only Happy When It Rains" Garbage OR "Smooth" Carlos Santana feat. Rob Thoomas. I think either of these songs would provide Rocker Boo with such a good vehicle for his talents. The thought of Rocker Boo singing "Smooth" kind of provides me with the foundation for impure thoughts . . . You remember that video and how Hella Hot Rob Thomas was . . . . ok, I'm back . . .

2. Lil David - "One Voice" Elton John OR "You're Still You" Josh Groban OR "When You Look Me In The Eyes" Jonas Brothers. Perhaps it is a mistake to suggest Lil Boo perform a song that Kelly Clarkson knocked out of the part on the Idol 2 finale results show, however, he has that purity of voice that could really make this a moment. The Josh Groban song was a necessary selection as I believe the comparisons are many between these two. However, what I would really like to see Lil Boo sing is the Jonas Brothers song. It's a power ballad and would be sund SO much better by Lil Boo than the nasal interpretation of the Pubescent Trio.

So, what do y'all think?

Give me your tired, your poor, your Idol Predictions!!!

1 comment:

Allison said...

You are right on about both performances for the Davids that they have already done. Little David's imagine was his best performance of the season, same for Rocer David's "Hello."