<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Friday, May 23, 2008

Idol Fun Continues!

Hey fellow Tasters'! The powers that be don't want us to go into Idol withdrawal too quickly - so there a LOTS of options for continued Idol coverage on TV this week. Here is just a small sample of things you might not want to miss:

1. Fox Reality TV - Not sure if this channel is available everywhere - but, if it is check it out. There is a finale after-show called "American Idol- Extra" which is hosted by J.D. Roberto. He does a great job and you can see some fun interviews with both Davids along with all the other Idols. To find out if it is in your area - the website is:

2. TV Guide Channel - "Idol Tonight" hosted by Justin Guarini, Rosana "Chana" Tavares, and the always spunky Kimberly Caldwell. We are currently watching their recap of the finale -and it will probably run all weekend. Interviews are with David Hernandez, Carly, The Hotness, and various others from the Top 12, the vocal coaches, red carpet folks, etc. Also, a highlight of this show - was a new all acoustic song by Justin! Wow! it was REALLY good :)

3. Larry King Live TONIGHT! Friday May 23 'Idols' David and David:

"America voted and David Cook is the newest American Idol! A rockstar who's more heartland than Hollywood, David Cook takes your calls along with the other nine finalists! It's a Larry King Live exclusive! Part one of a two-part special!

PLUS - Don't miss a special second hour with your Idol Favorites on Monday, May 26!

TONIGHT, 9 p.m. ET

• E-mail your questions.
• Send us an I-Ask video email!"
(The above info is directly from the Larry King website).

4. 102.7 KIIS-FM LA (Rubbertoe, is this your favorite radio station?)

There are LOTS of Idol things to check out on this website! After the finale interviews, pics, etc. If you can't link directly from this post - you can copy and paste the websites into your browser.

Those are all the fun things I know about so far - y'all let us know if you hear of anything else on tap!

1 comment:

Rubbertoe said...

Hey L/K:

Glad to see that SOMEONE is still around.....I was starting to think that everyone desserted me....I mean...C'mon people....what are your thoughts on the finale?

I know that he are all busy...but I am in trial and I still had time to post my review....

I keep checking this site...and No....ZERO...Zilch...NADA.....

OK....enough with my rant....

As for KIIS....I listen occassionally...but in actuality.....I am sooooo out of the music world these days. I look at the top 40...and I know maybe one or two songs.

I usually listen to my Sirrius....either Broadway Channel or channels 36/33 ( disco music) I don't fit that stereotype.
Or I listen to my crazy left-wing Air America talk radio propoganda.....

Every now and then I get topical and check out current stuff...but I am usually pretty much behind the times these days!

Hope everyone has a great Memorial day weekend!!!