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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Final Round: Lil David sings Dan F. ?

Final round begins with Lil David singing Dan Fogelberg and "Longer". What a strange and sappy song choice for Lil David. Why oh why do the producers want to make these kids into middle aged Vegas side shows. Anyhoo, Lil David performs the song quite nicely. As he has done over the past two weeks, Lil Bit is vocally on top of his game. A plus for me in this performance is the lack of massive runs and he did not over sing the song. Good solid performance.

Randy did not like the song, but loved the performance. Paula thought Lil Bit did a lovely job. Simon can not criticize Lil David, and thinks he sang well. . . and thinks he has done what he needs to do to make the finals.

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