<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Round Two: Lil David Tries to Have a Moment . . . With Cheese

Lil David is up next . . . again, I didn't quite hear the title of the song . . . something about a "moment" . . . imagine that . . .

Here he goes . . . a wise song choice for Lil David . . . while Simon said that Rocker David's song didn't sound like a "winning" song, this song sounds like an Idol winning song . . . certainly doesn't make it better, but it sounds like one of those songs. Overall, Lil David continues to be in good voice . . . very good voice . . . somehow, I can see him singing this song tomorrow night while a choir sings . . . and fireworks explode . . . and stuff . . .

Randy didn't like the song but thought Lil David sounded good . . . Paula thought it was good . . . I think . . . hard to tell . . . Simon thought it was a better choice of song and declared Round 2 for Lil David.

I think I would call Round 2 a draw. Kind of back to the norm for those two . . . Rocker David with the better performance and Lil David with the better vocal.

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