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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Will Proud Syesha Keep on Burnin?

Syesha's next, and she is rockin the extensions again tonight. Girl should have been rockin these at an earlier date. She’s gonna try and channel her inner Tina with some Proud Mary . . . Um, can we say choreography . . . yo! Excellent moves for Ms. Syesha. I have to say that once again her performance ROCKED, but the vocals didn’t quite match up to the performance . . . Vocals were quite good, but the performance was MUCH better. Randy thought she was GREAT, yo! Paula thought she was AWESOME, and stuff. Simon thought it was kind of a karaoke disaster.

I only have one thing left to say, shouldn't The Cuteness be singing a song about proud "mary" keepin on burnin . . . Just a thought

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