<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Brooke White: I'm a believer . . . I AM, I SAID . . .

Brooke – I'm A Believer - The guitar is back . . . but, yet another iffy lower register . . . I kind of loved the second half of the song . . . she looked a wee bit awkward throughout, but her vocals were more solid than we’ve seen recently, and she seems to have regained a wee bit of the performance confidence . . . . nice to see the guitar again. . .

I am I said – Excellent Start - this is the Brooke I remember. . . . I could smack Ryan with that skinny tie for mentioning the lyrics on her hand . . . Ugh on his faux hawked head! Gots to say, I think MY Brooke is back. This piano playin singer song writer vibe is why I love her. The first time since “Let it Be” that I truly BELIEVED what she was singing. . . .

Randy thought she did a nice job with all of the key changes . . . Paula thought she had fun during the first one, but the second one she connected . . . Simon reminds us that he hated the first song, but the second one was the Brooke WE love. . . .

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