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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Friendly Little Competition: Week 6

Time for an update on our Friendly Little Competition!

Last week's scores:

1. Josh - 12 points
2. Rubbertoe - 11 points
2. Allsion - 11 points
2. L - 11 points
5. K - 10 points
6. TtownIdolFan - 8 points

This week's predictions:

Josh: Bottom 3: Syesha, Carly, Brooke. Eliminated: Syesha
Rubbertoe: Bottom 3: The Comeback Kid, Syesha, and Carly. Eliminated: KLC
Allison: Bottom 3: Carly, Syesha, and Brooke. Eliminated: Syesha
L: Bottom 3: Syesha, Carly, and Brooke. Eliminated: Carly
K: Bottom 3: Syesha, Carly, and Brooke. Eliminated: Brooke
TtownIdolFan: Bottom 3: Syesha, Carly, Brooke. Eliminated: Carly

This Week's Points:

Josh: 2 Points. (Two of the Bottom 3)
Rubbertoe: 3 Points (Two of the Bottom 3 and Elimination!)
Allison: 2 Points (Two of the Bottom 3)
L: 2 Points (Two of the Bottom 3)
K: 2 Points (Two of the Bottom 3)
TtownIdolFan: 2 Points (Two of the Bottom 3)

New Standings:

1. Rubbertoe: 14 Points
1. Josh: 14 Points
3. Allison: 13 Points
3. L: 13 Points
5. K: 12 Points
6. TtownIdolFan: 10 Points

DAMN YOU RUBBERTOE . . . I think he has an unfair advantage for actually being in the "Mosh Pit" . . . At this point, Rubbertoe should throw his head back and laugh raucously!

Update: So, the rubbertoe pointed out that I made a mistake in his favor for the competition . . . very big of the Rubbertoe . . . I guess y'all can tell that we have been watching this shizz for a hot minute . . . scores are close . . . we are pretty good at this game . . . I just wish that one of the six of us could have figured out a way to keep The Comeback Kid for one more week and send the Syesha on to the next step in her career . . . UGH!

Josh is out . . . and off to sleepytime! :)



Rubbertoe said...

Although I wouldn't mind the extra point....I only got 2 of the bottom 3. I picked in all fairness...I think I lose a point.

DrL/K said...

rubbertoe, even without the 4 point sweep, our hats are off to you! Good job picking the order on a murky week. A tie with J for the lead! Exciting!