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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Rocker David Does ALW?!

Rocker David is last . . . Y'all know I heart him . . . but, I'm sick of My Davids getting preferential treatment . . . UGH! That being said, I hope he does this really sexy song justice . . . he has the smoldering eyes . . . here's crossing my fingers . . .

Randy thinks he can sing anything . . . Paula thinks he is well rounded and has a, ahem . . "a beautiful instrument" . . . Simon doesn't love this side of David but thinks he made the most of it.

My take: I think Rocker David was definitely one of the best of the night. I kind of feel about him like I do about Lil David . . . they are great on the high notes, but struggle a wee bit on the low notes . . . Overall, he was great! He really made the most of this week. I don't like this theme for him . . . obviously, but I think he did the most he could do with the theme he was given. Very, very good!

Synopsis to follow!

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