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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Entertainment Weekly Preview: The Songbook of Neil Diamond

Michael and Dawnie over at Entertainment Weekly have provided us with their weekly videoblog on their ideas for the Top 5. I must admit that although I'm sure I am familiar with the Neil Diamond songbook, most of the titles leave me stumped. Nevertheless, they have some interesting choices for our Idols and give them the sage advice to stay away from the following: Cherry Cherry, Sweet Caroline, and Cracklin . . . something . . . it escapes me. They tell the Top 5 to avoid these three ditty's because they consider them to be "karaoke classics" Click the link to enjoy their spirited idol hijinks!

Michael and Dawnie's Diamond Picks

What do y'all think?


DrL/K said...

See, I told ya!! Cracklin' Rosie :) LOL...

Look for "Forever in Blue Jeans" too that would just be hilarious if one of them does that.

DrL/K said...

Oops, forgot to add just how many of those Neil Diamond songs I knew (well enough to sing along to)...ughhh! that really dates me.

Rubbertoe said...

I am definitely NOT looking forward to this week....Not only Neil Diamond week....but 2 ND songs?
Can't think of anything worse....well.....I guess if they did Phil Collins week...that would probably be worse!

Allison said...

I suspect no one will keep the idols away from "Sweet Caroline"