<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Diamond night is no gem

So Neil Diamond night lived up to my worst nightmare (save...Phil Collins night) the judges put was just a weird show overall.
What did we learn from it....first of all, these theme/mentor nights are something that should be limited next year (if not eliminated) and there is no question it will be a David v. David finale. They were far and away the only two in the competition last night.

It was hit and miss with most of the contestants last night

David Castro: Was it lack of confidence or just lack of drive to win? Completely lackluster and dull. I mean....I love the guy, but this made two really really bad weeks in a row. Forever in Blue Jeans wasn't horrible. It was kind of cute...but September Morn....pathetic. First song: 6 Second: 3. Overal: 9

David Cook: Overall....the winner last night. Although I have to say that he has a certain smugness that is starting to bother me a little. He has lost some of the down to earth personality that I liked from him in the beginning....and I'm starting to wonder if part of why he might win might be a Daughtry sympathy factor. I mean....David Cook is no Daughtry...but he has a similar sound and I think there has always been this lingering factor that AI really did Daughtry wrong. Could David Cook be benefiting from this. I think he might. Don't get me wrong. The guy is talented and deserves much of the praise that he gets. I'm still a fan, but I'm beginning to question my feelings a bit. Last night was 100% better than last week. His second number was as Simon put it "Brilliant". I thought it was one of the best Idol numbers of all time...that's how much I liked his performance. As they say, that could be a #1 hit tomorrow. Scores 7/10: 17


There was no one that was more inconsistent last night than Brooke. Her first song "I'm a believer"....cheeseball! and boooorring. However, her second number was actually quite good. Scores: 3/8: 11

David Archuletta - David being David. Doing what he does....which is very good. The kid cuter than ever.....he was toned down a little bit...which I thought was good. His voice was fantastic......his stage presence/hand gestures are typical of his other performances. I still think that he is by far the best singer in the competition. The question is: When he wins, can they mold him into an idol? Both of his songs were strong and consistent. Scores: 8/8: 16

Syesha: First off....I hated the look. I did not like her hair at all. She is a beautiful girl but I did not like the look on all.....
Hello again? Eh......forgettable (as Simon says)....Second number started off really really weak...but then Syesha did what Syesha does best....through in a little Diva/Drama.....and she pulled it out. Scores 5/8:13

So....based on last night....Final Scores

David Cook: 17 (wins by a nose)
David Archuletta: 16
Syesha: 13
Brooke: 11
Castro: 9

I think Syesha is in danger......but I think Simon's little push for her (Telling her that she is in trouble)...might just motivate enough of the vote to push her through.

Bottom 3: Brooke, Castro, Syesha

Sadly......Jason Castro leaves us tonight.

(P.S.: Do we REALLY have to hear Neil Diamond sing tonight? Argh!)


Allison said...

I think I will have the mute button handy.

DrL/K said...

I laughed out loud about Phil Collins night! You know, now that you have put it out there in cyberspace....we will have Phil Collins night next year!

We were curious about how you decided on your scoring system? We were trying something similar just to see if it would help make the prediction for what America votes any easier.

Poor ol' Brooke - right there with you on the cheeseball factor, Rubbertoe! I hate to say it, but I laughed out loud when she cranked up "I'm A Believer" - good intentions and all, I'm sure, but noooo....(for us) ***We love you J!!***

And Allison - you are so right, the mute button will come in handy tonight.

Rubbertoe said...

There is no method to my scoring system....its just something that I have done in years past to help me rank who I like. I just give them my best guess on a scale of 1 to 10 and then average the two scores...because usually what I find it what occurred last night. One song is great...another not so good....

And GOD please no Phil Collins night....seriously ...could you imagine Syesha doing SuSu Suedio....or whatever that song was.....ay yi yi....
I think I would purposefully boycott that show.

I am rooting for an Engelbert Humperdink night. Doesn't he have a new album coming out next year?