<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Top 6 Results: The Elimination of Blasphemy

So, it's time for another version of extend the results . . .

A group sing, a new celeb sing, possible ugh inducing questions, a ford commercial, and much endless banter will no doubt ensue . . . therefore, I will skip over that shizz . . .

To the results . . . once again, we have our Idols back stage . . . I really don't get this manner of presenting the results . . . much prefer the couch and the separating into groups of three . . .

Anyhoo, we're gonna bring em out two at a time . . . Noah's ark style . . .

The presumed finale . . . er, um, the two Davids are up first. We review the fantabulous comments that these two frontrunners received during the ALW performance night. Could there possibly be a surprise? Hell to the no . . . the wonder twins are very safe . . . wonder twin powers activate, form of an emo death march . . . form of an inspirational, message inducing ballad!

Next up, Brooke and Syesha. I gotta tell ya, the Idol Machine is really making me think that Ms. White is safe because they are REALLY playing up in an oh so over the top kind of way how controversial the start & stop from the previous evening was. Yes, it was bad. Yes, she is cracking under the pressure. We get it. Idol is only this obvious when it's trying to create a "shock" moment. I've been watching this show too long... Brooke and Syesha are shocked when Brooke is declared safe.

Finally, The Cuteness (who the camera caught yawning back stage - was that a bag of cheetoes I saw in his hand . . . chronic anyone?) and Carly SUPERSTAR! So, banter ensues and The Cuteness doesn't wanna sing tonight . . . and HE WON'T HAVE TO . . . The Cuteness is safe . . . er, um . . . am I the only one who finds this result more shocking than the last?


The results: ENDLESS BANTER! And, Carly you are . . . going home . . . what the feck? Um . . . Ugh . . . Yikes . . . Ickypoo! Bitter, party of one, my table is ready. Strangely, I am more bitter than Carly.

I'm 3/4 shocked and outraged . . . from my predictions blog, I had a sinking feeling that Carly might go to the bottom 2 . . . It NEVER occurred to me that she would go home.

Neil Diamond, up next . . . seriously, y'all Neil Diamond . . .

P.S. I could not believe the Massive Bitch Slap that ALW put on The Cuteness. It was well-deserved, but, yo, what up with that . . . almost like The Cuteness is his ho and did not cough up all of the nightly profits to Pimp Daddy Webber . . .

1 comment:

DrL/K said...

It was such a strange show last night...and I agree - Carly didn't seem disturbed, bitter, or anything of the sort. Was she medicated? She was almost giddy!

As to why she is now out, perhaps she was the last big threat to the David/David finale? It doesn't seem like any of the others are strong enough to really challenge that.

great observation about Brooke being safe, and why Brooke looked shocked - who knows?

Finally, ALW was kind of harsh on the Cuteness. I am suspecting he was loving having the camera/TV audience to say what he REALLY thinks about the Idol contestants. I mean, how often do the mentors do the mentor thing, then come to performance night, then sit on the stool on results night? You know he was just lovin' all the face time :)