<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

KLC kicks it into High Gear! Seriously, Girl Kinda Rocked!

KLC's gonna be pimpin some of her own personal inspiration, next!

KLC is on the block! She is singing some Martina Navratilova . . er, um, I mean McBride. As has been happening the last few weeks, Ms. KLC is looking very nice this evening.

Again, prior to the judges critique, KLC ROCKED THE HOUSE! I don't think I can remember her singing quite that well. She really got her country on. . . I'm impressed.

To the judges: As per usual tonight, Randy Jackson has to give at least one negative comment, but he really thought she did a good job. Paula and her cleavage think that KLC was great, and La Cowell thinks that KLC did great, made a smart song choice, and looked like a star. Sorry to the Rubbertoe, I think KLC is safe on that one.

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