<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

L&K Top Nine Predictions

Hey y'all! Sorry for the delay - here are our lists for the week:

K's list:

1. David C.
2. Aussie Mike
3. David A.
4. Carly
5. Syesha
6. Jason C.
7. Kristy Lee
8. Ramiele
9. Brooke

I think America will send these three to the chairs:

1. Kristy Lee
2. Castro
3. Ramiele

and Ramiele goes home!

Looking back on my original list, I had high hopes for Ramiele, back in the Top 24 days, but she has consistently failed to live up to that early potential in my book.

L's List:

1. David Cook
2. Aussie Mike

**tiny space**
3. David A.

Big space
4. Carly
5. Syesha
6. Jason C.

7. Kristy Lee

8. Brooke
9. Ramiele

Bottom three will be: Ramiele, Jason C. and (I think there will be a shocker in the group), Brooke
Going home: Ramiele

My current ughh factor is with Syesha and Carly having to throw in the power notes - I thought both of their songs would have been better done more simply. We all know you can hit those notes - just reign it back in some of the time :) Dang it, Carly - you almost did it...until that last part!! I am still convinced the Idol stylists hate Carly....

1 comment:

Rubbertoe said...

K - YOU had high hopes for Ramiele....I'm almost embarrassed to look at my original top 12 list...I have her as #4....and David #6 (I believe)......but then again I originally said that David A would be sent home during Hollywood you can see how good at predicting I am.