<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Lil David Produces A Smokey Mountain Miracle!

Lil David's gonna sing a little Smokey Mountain Memory. THE DOLLY is lovin Lil David . . he produced somem DOLLY tears. Lil David needs to produce here, not that I even think that he will even kind of be in trouble, but he is slowly losing his frontrunner status... Just gonna sit back and listen.

Oh Ma Gah. . . he produced the goosebump moment that I've been waiting for . . . those notes at the very end was just spectacular. Infreakingcredible! Absosmurfly Stupendous!

Simon thinks that Little David is BACK! Dawg . . . and stuff. I think he is saying that the performance possessed the oft mentioned "Yo Factor" circa AI 6. Paula thought he was fabu! Simon thought he was "Spot On".

In short, Lil David is back, y'all!

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