<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fraudrick Hall Follows The Gold Brick Road?

If you click on the title above there's a link to an interesting story, about some alleged shady deals that Dallas Idol hopeful Todrick Hall perpetrated on children connected with his "OZ" musical.

This may prove troublesome for AI if the press runs with it!
Always some good criminal activity in the runup to Hollywood, it never fails.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

When Ms. Kelly Clarkson left Texas - she locked the door on the way out!

It was a bit underwhelming, but then who can top our Kelly!- and J was so right in an earlier post -that there seems to be a lack of actual auditions in these 'audition' shows.

Here's our recap on the show in the Big D:

Kara looks cute tonight - love the red and black - it seems like the stylist is trying a bit harder with her this year :)

NPH - great! yay!!

Sparkly girl - isn't any better after all of these years...But
Ryan has perfected the fake-sincere exit encouragement!

Lloyd - 2 kids, sweet voice, positivity vibe and - he got his delicious Hollywood victory!

Kimberly Carver - original song, bluesy! Love NPH takin' over the vote!

Dexter has a Mt Fuji hair-do.

Erika - Dominatrix Barney - she can really sing, but it is always weird to see former kid program actors do more adult things. The whip was cracking us up!

Dave P- Wonderful rendition of the Sam Cooke song - great tones! Hope he goes far :)

Todrick seems like a great guy! Fun original song and voice. But potential rumours on the internet that he might be a sad, hope that it isn't true!

Stephanie -Austin girl -way to go!

Uhh just quick comment about the tragic background info, could we have a consensus that divorce doesn't count as a tragedy since it affects over 50% of the families in America? IF you can't bring major illness, mass murder or at least ADHD - then please don't play the tragedy card.

Meagan Wright - very pretty voice! Kara talks ONCE again about opening your mouth as a ticket to success in Hollywood....hhmmmmm
Joe Jonas = yeah x 1million...where did NPH go, can we bring him back pronto?!

Vanessa - there's an example of someone trying too hard. Super positive casino-carpet costumed girl sings " Etttt last" or rather, fires it out of the bazooka of her mouth at the judges!

Christian - Leukemia - hell yeah - that counts! LIfe threatening illness bitch slaps divorce, and makes Tourette's seem like a hiccup. Very sweet positive mom/daughter relationship and story - and of course - she has a beautiful voice!!!
Randy says: OMG 16 :)

L&K would like to give Joe Jonas the Avril Lavigne Most Useless Guest Judge Award!


And we are in Texas . . . Home of Ms. Clarkson . . . :)

THE N-motherfuckin-PH YO!

OMG, Julie from year one . . . Loves it . . . Sweet. Heavenly. Lord.

Lloyd - the parental parade continues . . . smooth, sweet, lovely, voice... Loved Him. . . . a little velvet teddy bear-esque.

Kimberly Carver - Singin an original . . . I kind of love her. . . nice voice, nice beat . . . she's got it going on.

I love how the N-MotherFuckin-PH has rested control of the panel from Simon . . . sign this man UP.

Oh Dexter . . . Merciful. Jesus.

Is it just me or is there some chemistry between the NPH and the Seacrest?

Barney Girl - with a whip . . . LOVES IT! I. LOVE. THIS. GIRL.

Dave Pittman - Tourette's syndrome - He's gotta nice voice and the NPH likes his look. He's gotta shot at maybe going past Hollywood.

End of Day One . . . and **sniff sniff** the end of the NPH . . .

Here come Joe Jonas . . . er, um . . .

Todrick Hall - He was in The Color Purple with Fantasia . . . Love Him. I just absolutely adore him. Cute song and good voice.

Dawntoya - I'm not sure from that snippet

Stephanie Daulong - She's got a very interesting voice.

Megan probably doesn't have a shot because she is following an onslought of yes folks . . . And, I think I'm wrong . . . she's got a lovely voice . . . a lovely tone . . . but not much power . . . She was quite good.

Christian Spear - cancer - I don't really love this girl like the judges do . . . but we're gonna see her in the next round.

And yet another Idol night has passed us by . . . Oh good grief . . . I really thought we were going to Hollywood next, but we're off to Denver for more auditions . . .

Oh, btw, in case you didn't get it before . . . I HEART THE NPH!

This Is Definitely Not A Lifetime Movie . . . But It Did Make Me Feel A Little Dirty...

And we're in LA . . . home of the McPhee . . . who is now strangely blonde . . . anyway . . .

Here we go with Avril Lavigne . . . really . . . devil hoodie . . . really . . .

Jim Ranger - married, three kids . . . He's gotta little Taylor Hicks in him . . . Avril, for very good reasons I think, said no . . . but he's gotta good voice and he goes through.

Sweet Jesus in heaven, when are these auditions going to be over . . .

Mary - Rocker girl kind of reminds me of Nicki McKibbon from Season 1 . . . Not much of a range, but a very good voice. I like her.

PseudoAdam - hurts me . . . hurts me . . . hurts me . . . particularly because I think there is a voice in him, but he just has a weirdness to him . . . a LOT of weirdness to him. . .

Here comes Katy Perry!

I think I have never noticed how beautiful she is . . . stunning . . .

Oh Austin . . . Oh . . . oh . . . Austin . . . why must he represent my people . . .


Andrew Garcia - this must be parents night . . . he's got a lovely voice, but I really don't know that he'll go past Hollywood. Ok, I got . . . ugh . . . I just shed a few Idol tears . . .

Tasha Layton - I. LOVE. HER. Y'all know how I am . . . I can latch onto somebody right quick . . . and, I've latched onto someone. :)

Dirty Boy Jason - He makes Katy feel a little dirty and me too . . . I heart him in a creepy way . . . He can't sing, but he kind of makes me giggle. . . Let me repeat . . . I. LOVE. KATY. AND. I. LOVE. THAT. HE. HIT. ON. RYAN.

I love the Katy v Kara vibe. . . let me say now, I'd be happy with Ms. Perry or Ms. Blige as our new judge. LOVE. THEM.

This guy reminds me of Scott (blind boy) from last season . . . good story and a steady voice . . . but I'm not sure how it will translate to the big stage . . . but I like him.

Love that Katy said, "This is not a Lifetime movie". . .

Another audition show filled with very few actual auditions . . .

And another night concludes . . .

Separated At Birth

Anyone else think Chris G from last night's ep looks suspiciously like Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons?

I'm going to Hollywood.....wait....I Live there

One thing can be said for most of the contestants that auditioned last or lose.....they are "Going to Hollywood".

I wasn't able to live blog last I am just going to list a couple of thoughts here.

I liked the Gangbanger'sson. I thought he was good. Probably not strong enough to go real far in the competition.

I didn't like the Pat Benetar woman they put through. She wasn't very good and she was too much of a bad copycat. I was surprised they put her through.

Finally...I really really like the last guy. The guy who grew up in foster homes. He needs a makeover, but I can see him going a ways in the competition. I was really surprised that Simon didn't like him very much and the guest judge woman (I don't remember her name...the kissed a chapstick woman).....But Randy and Kara got it right.

Is American Idol on tonight? Not sure. I'm think not...because of the State of the Union address....did they postpone til Thursday? I'm gonna have to check!


Monday, January 25, 2010

The Gokey Has a Video

Idol_Chatter via Twitter is reporting that Season 8's The Gokey has a new video. Click the link to read the article and check out the video

One of Our Top 24 Already Eliminated?

Many, many, outlets are reporting that a guy who was put through to the Top 24 was sent packing cuz his dad couldn't keep his mouth shut . . . click the link to read the LA Times link.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Arresting Performer Cuffed and Released

TMZ is reporting that the guy that was cuffed after his Orlando audition was released and asked not to return. Click the link to read the full story. Sounds like more staged, stunt, stuff from our lovely Idol producers. . . . What do you think?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

When you wish upon a star.....

Orlando Auditions - the land of the magic kingdom...

First up - Theo Clinton - I expected him to be much more of a joke based on his "act"...but he could actually sing. The judges were harsh on him...they've put through many who were much worse...

Did Simon really say...."You sang like you sat on a cat".....cruel.....

Seth Rollins - Man with autistic son. Nice smooth voice. He'll need to work hard if he is going to get past I liked him. "Daddy's going to Hollywood!"

Jermaine - Cute personality. Beautiful voice. This guy has a good shot of making it into he top 12.

Shelby - Girl that "Couldn't smile" - She has some good qualities to her voice, but I'm not sure she's got enough to get past Hollywood.

Beatbox boy - singing was better than his beatboxing. Randy sends him through. He's not going past Hollywood.

Janell Wheeler
Brittany Starr
Kasi Bradford
All decent...but none were great...

Conellus split his pants - Gets sent through to Holywood. This one shouldn't have gone through.

What's with all these people with salons in their homes???
The two sisters --- Blue Sister - Bernadette - Weak. Not enough there. Yellow - a little better..but equally as weak. Simon says just the opposite...they both go through. They won't make it past Hollywood.

Jarrold...yeah...the guy couldn't sing, but the whole handcuffing was ridiculous. There have been many more crazy fanatics than him that weren't subjected to that....or were they off camera?

Matt Lawrence -Robbed a bank with a BB Gun at 15. They are going to put him through...but there isn't much here. He's a goner in Hollywood.
Simon says "You can really really sing". REALLY? I don't see it. Kara agrees. REALLY?...Randy too? Are they in Fantasyland? of the best...REALLY?....Wow...

Next week...Idol in my hometown!!!

On that note.....Rubbertoe....out!

Trouble . . . Trouble, Trouble, Trouble

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we’re in Orlando . . . with the FABULOUS Kristen Chenoweth!

Oh . . . oh . . . oh . . . Theo Clinton . . .

I’m guessing this is not the first time that Ryan has said, “I’ve got to go wash the glitter off my hands.”.

Kara and Kristen are bonding . . .

Seth Rollins – son has autism . . . let’s hope he is good . . . he’s got a nice voice, but I can’t envision him making it beyond Hollywood . . . But Yay for now! Yay!

I’m sorry . . . playing Coldplay’s “Fix You” was WRONG when showing his child who has autism . . . WRONG!!!

Again, with so few people going through to the next round, why can’t we see ALL of them . . . why must we have these bad people/crying montages . . . Ugh!

Jermaine Purifoy – Crooning a little Tony B… clearly an excellent voice. Very, very nice . . . He could go past Hollywood …

Shelby Dressel – I like her . . . again, I’m not sure about her long-term potential . . . I think they are reaching, but I’m glad she went through.

I’m sorry, I hate to keep harping on this, but EIGHTEEN PEOPLE made it through, and you can only show us FREAKIN THREE! UGH! EPIC FAIL!

No guest judge on Day 2 of Orlando . . .

I missed his name, but he is NO BLAKE LEWIS… he didn’t sing AT ALL . . . but, they’ve put through people with worse voices . . . You know Randy gonna put him through . . . Jay Stone, yeah, that was his name . . .

Jannell Wheeler/Brittany Walker/Kasi Bedford – the first two were good, but they can’t put Kasi through . . . she’s wasn’t good . . . but they all three went through

Here comes Cornelius . . . he gonna split is pants . . . He gonna have his Pants On the Ground . . . and they put him through . . . seriously . . .

Bernadette – She’s gotta very nice voice . . . strong . . . good presence
Amanda – Not as good as Berney, but still a good voice. . . again, they’ve put much worse through . . .
I’m glad they sent the sisters through . . . they were cute . . .

Here comes arrest boy . . . with a cringe-worthy version of Amazing Grace . . . Oh shizz, he bout to blow . . . He’s blowin . . . Oh Lawd . . . Here it comes . . . while singing Amazing Grace . . . Oh sweet, heavenly, Jesus . . . an angry spiritual . . . oh good grief, did they really just cuff him . . . really . . . c’mon now . . .

I can already tell you that I want prison boy to go through . . . This one is going to tear up my heart (writing this during the commercial break) . . . I heart him already and he’s just talking . . . Heart him, heart him, heart him. PLEASE BE GOOD. YAY! YAY! YAY!

And we’re done for another week . . . Cali next week . . .

Chi-Town Did Not Blow Me Away . . .

This week we’re in Chi-Town

And we open w/ a bunch of cursing and lewd gesturing . . .

**Sniff Sniff** Old pics of Paula

Guest judge . . . Shania Twain . . . she must have an album coming out soon . . .

Caitlin – “Syrup and Honey” by Duffy – I’m lovin her soulful voice . . . she’ll have to work on her stage presence, but otherwise, she’s kinda golden.

Amy Lang – Why did she faint . . . and move her boobs . . . the strange thing is that if she had just stood there singing, she would have gone through.

Charity Vance – Her voice is a little weak, but she’s gotta lovely tone.

Angela Martin – she was cut in Season 7 and Season 8 . . . I hope they put her through . . .Love this song , “Just Fine” by Mary J . . . She is really, really good. Yay! Pay ya tickets girl!

Chi-Town must have truly been bad for as many different baddies they are showing this evening . . .

John Park – Cute. Cute. Cute. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice Tone to his voice . . . .

Paige – Thank you sweet Jesus . . . So. Very. Good. I disagree with the judges… Teary-eyed Idol Moment . . . I mean seriously, they sent the weak-voiced blonde girl through earlier, but they were hesitant about her . . .

And they’re sending these three boys through and were hesitant about Paige . . . really? Seriously?

Really, they had only 13 golden tickets, and they couldn’t show us all of the good ones? Really?

I’m out for tonight . . . I’ll see you tomorrow in Orlando.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Is the third time a charm?

First up Katelyn (Divorce daughter) - excellent voice. Good control. I can see her making it far in this competition.

Charity Vance (hair salon girl) - Pretty gril with a decent voice, but most likely a one hit wonder. I don't think she has the goods to go far past Hollywood.

Angela Martin - Auditioned 3 times before. I remember her from last season. This girl is even better than I remember her to be. Great style and quality to her voice.
Is the third time a charm?

Harold Davis - I think they are going to send this guy through, even though I don't think he deserves it...the judges prove me wrong. Its a no. Harold is broken hearted.

John Park - very cute boy. Very soulful voice, Not what I was expecting from this guy. I don't think he'll make it far in THIS competition.

A quick glimpse at sme good ones...

Only 13 Golden tickets in Chiago....

Friday, January 15, 2010

Neil Young's Plea For Pants Uplifting

You guys have probably seen this but I thought it was funny, and Jimmy Fallon does an eerie Neil Young!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Alex Wagner-Trugman - Pants on the Ground

An Idol blast from the past does a blast from the pants -- wait, that didn't come out right...

Pants on the ground

Did the ATL Leave Ya With Ya Pants on The Ground?


Hello Mary J!

Khia Johnson – Love her spiral curls… She’s tackling Celine and doing it quite well . . . and I am A. CELINE. FAN. I am impressed. I’m already wishing that Mary J had replaced Paula.

Miriam – Not a winner but good

Noel – AKA braces girl . . . Good, solid voice

Tisha – Nice soul, solid voice, but I think she’ll eventually fizzle . . . just Idol intuition . . .

Jermaine Sellers – I kind of love his voice . . . I’m not sure how it will translate on the big stage, but I love his vibe . . .

Is it just me or has Kara gotten better this year . . . time will tell . . . I kinda thought she was a bitch last night, but I’m liking her today . . .

Christy – They are not going to put her through, but I saw them put through people last night who had worse voices than her . . . I think they were mean to her, and I think she was a lot better than they gave her credit

Vanessa – Ok, I’m hopeful for her . . . I liked her in the commercials last night . . . she’s kind of Kelly Pickler-esque in personality. She’s gotta nice little country voice . . . I don’t love country music, but I kind of love her. Love her mother, “Instead of butterflies, I’ve got frogs!”. . . I. LOVE. HER.

Jessie Hamilton – clearly not going to go through . . . I HATE what they are doing to him . . . I think this is mean. This audition is why I hate this part of the show.

Holly – OMFG. . . that’s all . . . Except . . .it’s not . . . She’s gotta nice voice. I think if she loses the gimmick, she could actually do something . . . Now, THIS is Kelly Pickler . . . on crack.

Mallorie – She’s got a little something . . . Not sure, but she may have the goods . . . I could maybe, possibly, hear my Top 12 alarm going off . . .
The A.T.L. is fire . . . according to Kara . . .

Skiiboski . . . AKA, Snoop Doggie Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwg!, Damn, it never ceases to surprise me . . . nice voice . . . nice, nice, voice . . . dawg gotta lose the attitude, but the vocals were good.

Carmen – She dared to sing Kelly Clarkson . . . but did it quite well . . .

Brian Walker – AKA “Cop Guy” . . . Singin a song done by the Velvet Teddy Bear . . . SO. VERY. GOOD. I’m impressed. He’s gotta great voice, and I think I hear the alarm again.

I will leave you with this . . . Pants On The Ground . . .

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Believe in yourself girl...believe in yourself

Sitting on the Couch, got my snuggie on, watching Idol...does it get any better than this?

Mary J Blige!:Wh---Hoooo!

Duane...seriously mentally ill here. I don't like when Idol exploits the obviously mentally ill.

I've never been to Atlanta, but it looks beautiful through the windows behind the judges.

Keia Johnson - (Great last name) = decent voice but I'm not sure that she has the depth to go far. She seemed o be screaming in ways, more than singing. Won best personality in a beauty contest. Seems appropriate here.

Miriam - Good
Noel - good to...but I don't see to 12 here
Same for the next woman.

Jermaine - This guy is really cute. Cares for his sick mom. Church boy. I love this guy....I see top 12 with this one.

Christy Marie - "411 the show" Wow...the drama. Is she trying to be Tatiana?
Simon saysmore 911 than 411.
Vanessa - the bridge jumper from Tennessee - Stuck in Venore...can't get out. Wow...I'm feeling bad for this girl. She needs this chance. Thankfully she doesn't let me down. I don't see top 12 here. But at least she gets to go to Hollywood.
Believe in yourself girl....Believe in yourself.

Guitar Girl - "You ain't woman enough to take my man"...singing voice very different from talking voice. She can actually sing, but outfit detracts...bad choice.
Mary J doesn't get it. She makes it through..but no top 12 here.

Mallory Haley - Another decent one, but no top 12.

Skiboski - I like this guy. Kinda strange...but I like him. Simon hated him, A resounding no. But he gets through.

The BFF's - they both needed better outfits. Carmen Turner - parts were were horrendous...but she gets through. Her BFF doesn't.

Brian the cop - This guy really really really bugs me in a Josh Gracin kinda way...but he can sing.

Then there was Lamar. They guy can sing, but I agree with the Judges, he is not ready, he needs to do the work.

General Larry Platt - Pants n the ground. Lookin like a fool with your pants on the ground. Gold in your mouth with your hat turned sideways...

Chi town up next. One of my favorite cities in the world!!!

AI Boston: More Than A Feeling

Awesome first night review you guys!

I just wanted to propose a drinking (or maybe just thinking) game for these Idol auditions: watch Simon's shirt and Randy's watch.

Something funny happens in the editing in Boston, see if you catch it in ATL :)

-- Master K

AI 9: Simon, The Dawg, Car, and V Rock Boston

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd we're back.

So, as you may or may not remember from last year, I sorta, kinda, loathe the bad auditions, so, we will be ignoring them . . . they didn't happen . . . nope, just didn't happen.

I watched last night's episode at my friend, Adam's house . . . Shout out to Adam!

As we started the program, we had to do review the Paula debacle followed by the coming of Ellen D . . . about which I am still VERY unsure. . . . I'm sure we'll discuss this issue more in the coming months.

So, this week we are in Boston and our judges are joined by Posh Spice . . . or as Randy called her, V. Somehow, she became V and Kara became Car . . . unclear . . . anyhoo. . .

First person of note was Mattie/Maddy Curtis - She did a very lovely and soulful rendition of Hallelujah. I could see her with a shot for the top 24/32

Next on my list is Jennifer Hirsh who sang something possibly from the musical Wicked . . . I am a bad gay, and therefore, am not very familiar with showtunes . . . Either way, she was good, but did not set off my Top 12 radar.

Claire Fuller as well did not set off my Top 12 or Top 24/32 radar . . . I didn't even take note of what she sang...

Jess Wolfe - LOVELY VOICE . . . I, again, did not take note of what she sang, but I have a rather large asterisk next to her name, which, I'm sure, means something vitally important.

Amadeo DeRocco - HUGE, GI-NORMOUS VOICE THAT WILL NEVER TRANSLATE WELL ON STAGE, but, he seemed nice, and will be entertaining in Hollywood.

Luke Shaffer/Benjamin Knight - Loved both of these boys . . . yes, there cuteness was a factor, but they could both sing as well . . . and the combination warmed the cockles of my soul. :) When they were playing guitar and harmonizing in the waiting area it kind of reminded me of Blake Lewis/Chris Richardson, and co from the Hollywood rounds a few years back.

CREEPY EYED ANDREW - I know, I know, he didn't make it through, but I actually thought he had quite a nice voice underneath ALL OF THAT REALLY SCARY AGGRESSION!

Ashley Rodriguez - Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant! What's that I hear . . . oh yes, my Top 12 radar EXPLODING!

Tyler Grady - I. LOVE. HIM! To repeat, I. LOVE. HIM. I loved everything about him from his voice, to his look, to his attitude. I. LOVE. HIM.

Mike, aka speedboat dude, I kind of loved him. He was just kind of adorable, and could sneak through with some luck

Katie Stevens - What was that again? Oh yeah, my Top 12 radar going off . . . kinda sounds like Beyonce sayin "Ring the Alarm" . . . She was simply amazing.

Joshua Blaylock - Now, I don't think that he has a voice that will ever go over well on a large stage, but I did find his voice very, very pleasant, and I thought he was A-FREAKIN-DORABLE. That being said, I would be very surprised if we saw my namesake in the Top 24/36.

Terribly Offensive Nickname coming . . . Hot Cancer Boy [credit to Adam]. . . I honestly didn't get his name . . . I was so taken with his story and, quite frankly, his eyes, that I completely missed it. Oh wait, I found it down here . . . it's Justin! And wow, did Justin kill or what . . . he was so very good. I like the crooner sound and he has quite a strong, er, um instrument.

Bosa - Good Grief . . . Really . . . Seriously . . . I get that it's a good story and stuff, but, I agreed with Simon, I was bored. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn!

Leah - Blue Skies . . . Wow . . . and Wow . . . and Wow . . . another potential Top 12 alarm sounding . . .

And that brings us to the end of Boston . . . Tomorrow we will be heading to Atlanta to watch Simon, Randy, Car, and V and the continuing saga of American Idol 9

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The journey begins

America's favorite show is BACK! THIS is American Idol!

First up - Janet. Worse than her "pocket full of sunshine" was her pink mid-riff shirt.
Maddy - Brother with Down's syndrome. Hallelujuia - Jason Castro did this song and knocked it out in Season 7. She's no Jason Castro. It was just aiiiight for me.
She's got a little David Archuletta going on with her peronality.
Pat Ford - Well.....What's him name (season 6) said "Nasally is a form of singing".
Jennifer - A female crooner doing the witch is dead. ad two other girls make it through.
Amadao - The Italian family man. Likeable guy..voice not all that though.
Derek - Wow...I wasn't expecting that sound. that was weird.
Mary Doyle - Kimono Girl does Joplin....poorly.
Luke -nice voice.
Benjamin Bright - Ok voice..but nothing spectacular....both make it through.
Andrew Fenlon - Attitude boy. His voice isn't bad, with a little work. It has some nice qualities...but Kara can't stand the attitude.
Ashley Rodriguez - Pretty Girl. Pretty Voice. Some people have "It"....does she?
We'll find out in Hollywood!
Tyler Grady - fell out of a tree and broke his arms. Very Nice Voice. Not sure if he has more in his arsenal...but "Let's get it o" was very very nice.
Mike Davis - "Actor on a speedboat". He'll make it though. He's not going to make it far past Hollywood though.
Katie Stevens - with the Portugese Grandmothr with Alzheimers - Good voice....only 16 years old.
Joshua Blaylock - 28 years old with his last chance. Simon says no power. Completely forgetable. Not assertive...too nice a guy. They pimp him to show some attitude... They send him through but I'm not sure that he has what it takes. (Scott says, he reminds him of me. Me?)

Justin Williams - "Serving a mission in Spain" (I'm assuming Mormon mission)...Got cancer free. Beautiful voice. Nice range....this guy could be really good.
Norberto - wants to inspire people like Michael Jackson - a definite no...but such a nice guy.
Bosa - parents from Nigeria. Love Ryans joke about the mom's hat blocking the view in Hollywood. I like him...but not that great. Simon says no...Randy sends him through. He says he's ready to work.
Leah Lorenzi -Grew up in super strict family...couldn't listen to "secular music".
What? Sounds like child abuse. Great voice. Very nice control on the runs...nice jazzy quality. She is one to watch.

Loved Victoria as a guest judge.

Simon Announces He's Leaving Idol!

-- on the brink of the new season! Click on the title above for a WP story on Simon's exit.

Rumor has it:that he's courting Paula to join him on X Factor! Crazy, or crazy like a fox? Sounds like a lot of Idol fans might defect to X Factor; not that you can't watch both :)

For now, though, the real buzz is that IDOL IS BACK!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hey Idol Gang!

Is there anybody out there? Dr. L and I just wanted to test the waters and see if any of the old Idol crew were getting geared up for the new season.

A lot has happened since last year: Paula is out, Ellen is in, and Jason Castro got hitched!
Should be an interesting kickoff, especially with the "guest" judges through the tryouts. Rumor has it this is Simon's last year...

Here's hoping everyone had a great year, and a happy holiday these past few weeks.

Let's keep the Taste of Idol going, now that we're out of the "Naughties"!

-- Master K