<i><b>THIS</b> is AMERICAN IDOL!</i>


Monday, July 14, 2008

Coffey . . .

The next to be saved from the trash pit is . . .

Coffey. What the feck . . . Y’all, I am so not getting the voting on this show . . . UGH! He is crying about his mom. I hate when anyone uses a parent . . . as someone who has lost a parent, it is a devastating situation. However, I’m not sure the intro montage before he sings is the appropriate place to reveal that . . . Just my opinion . . . He has started crying during the song . . . he lost the words . . . and is that Jewel I can hear singing from the judges station? Song was terribly pitchy, but he channeled some emotion in that one. His best performance so far, but still a far cry from others in the competition.

Jeff Steele thinks he was pitchy, but that he tapped into some raw emotion. John Rich still isn’t sold on him, but thinks he did a good job. Jewel got a little choked up, and thought this was a good effort . . .

Ugh . . .

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