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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Round 2: Is Archie your boo?

Here comes round 2, and Lil David is up first with the only song selection from the last 12 months, Chris Brown's "With You". I love this song. L & K made a comment earlier that they would spit their margarita across the room if Lil Bit actually says the word "boo". Here we go . . . Wait, do I hear a spit take coming from Texas . . . HE SAID "BOO"! I absolutely love that he chose a contemporary song. Big risk in my book. Vocals are solid, moving is a bit awkward, but vocals are good, and overall, I think he performed well.

Randy applauds the song choice but does not necessarily think the song fits him . . . but again, thinks he could sing the phone book. Paula likes the song choice but wants him to not draw out notes on these types of songs (good critique). Simon also applauds the song choice but thinks he was a bit awkward.

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