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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Syesha . . . Do I See Her "Vanishing"

Syesha up next . . . she has chosen "Vanishing" from Mimi's first effort . . .

This song is a good choice for her . . . if she can restrain her inner fauxdiva. Let's listen in . . . I know this song very well . . . I really kind of like this song . . . I kinda think she did a . . . might I say . . . kind of good job (for Syesha). A few pitch problems when she's in her "lower register", but man, the high notes really vascillated between strong and gentle . . .

Randy thought she did a good job, but some pitch problems. Paula thought she was brilliant. Simon thought she was technically brilliant, but could suffer from America's lack of familiarity with the song.

I think it was Syesha's best performance thus far . . . but, she and her shiney hair could be in trouble due to her penchant for the bottom three and her position in the roster.

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